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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Bachelorette shenanigans

A few weeks ago I was surprised with the most fun, wild and crazy bachelorette party a girl could ask for. My bridesmaids had been very secretive taking care of a lot of "top secret Bryn activities" as Michelle called them. The planner in me really wanted to know what was up, but I was so excited to see what they had planned, I just rolled with it. All I knew was that I was to meet Whitney at her house after work, they kept everything else secret. So I made it to Whitney's anxious for the fun to begin. Incidentally we had to make quite a few stops on our way to our destination, one of them to get whit an Orange julius because "she really wanted one"!!!! Ya ok, whatever floats your boat. At this point I knew we were killing time but it was so fun I didn't care. We went to BevMo, Party city(to get Michelle's wallet I later learned), orange Julius, and chik-fil-a and we finally really on our way!!!
We pulled up at The Hotel Solamar in downtown SD and it was gorgeous! We parked down the road in a Parking structure because parking was much cheaper(this is relevant later in the story!). We headed up to our room where my beautiful friends had it completely decked out with balloons, candy, shot glasses, pounds of confetti and a wall covered in panties. Whitney put together super cute travel cups complete with mints, gum, candy, Advil and most importantly BAND AIDES! It was soo cute. They went through so much trouble making it perfect. And it was. The rest of the weekend flew by like a flash. Friday night we bar hopped and found we liked Double Deuce the best. Nancy was on a mission to get me a pair of undies from any guy she could(never happened), I got a piggy back ride across the place from a cowboy, and we had shot after shot after shot. We danced on a stage or two and even got nancy on THE BULL.
We all slept in Saturday morning and then went down to the pool and spent the day lounging and drinking yummy cocktails. We met a very interesting group of "Wiggers" who bought a bottle of Champagne for our celebration. Every time we toasted after that(and from now on) was "To the Wigs!!". I knew that Saturday night was the more "going out" type night. So we all put on our fanciest outfits highest heels(100s of band aides)and hit the town. We walked up to the VIP line of a rooftop club where i found out that my brother in law Chris had gotten us in and even bought us bottle service!!!! It was such an awesome surprise. It made the night so much More fun to have a "bed" and our own space. We danced a little and chatted and hung out meeting lots of crazy people, even the bouncer! We left there at closing time and hopped in a pedi cab to get us back to the hotel.
The weekend was a raving success we just missed having Courtney there!!!
Sunday morning we got all packed up and ready to hit the road, so I walked back down to the parking garage(told you that would be important). I get in my car pay the man in the kiosk and hear "HEYYY, you have a flat tire" as I pull away. Great, super, fantastic. This is NOT how I wanted to end my weekend!!! But I have AAA so were good right?! Ya I thought so too. I get on the phone be give AAA my location and wait 30 mins for the tow truck to come change my tire. When the tow truck driver calls to let me know that he's at my location but can't find me It took a few minutes to realize that AAA had put in my location is LOS ANGELES!!!! The damn AAA driver is searching for me in LA, not SD. GRRRRRR 35 minutes wasted. AAA finally finds us in SD, its then we realize that my car does not have a full size spare tire :( DAMNIT! So our only option is to drive no more than 50MPH for the 20+ miles back up near Whitney's house so we can get the ginormous screw out of my tire. So whit hops into the drivers seat and we crawled along the freeway with what we Nicknamed "the Nemo Tire"(you know, the special fin?!) we drove the entire way in complete fear with the hazards on and Whitney freaking out at every bump. We made it to the tire shop got the tire fixed bd finally got home....4 hours from the time we noticed the flat tire. Wow. What a Weekend. Wouldn't change anything, it was absolutely perfect. I can't think Whit, Heather, Michelle and Chris enough for making it such a special weekend. For a quick recap here's how things went down: 2 lost purses, 10 pairs of panties on the wall, 7 partying girls, 1 bottle of free champagne, 100s of bandaides used, 1 bull ride, 3 stage dances, 1 piggy back ride, 0 guys undies, countless drinks/shots and MILLIONS of amazing memories. Thank you guys for everything, I have the best friends on the planet.